Anne-Lise Gabold is a classical educated actress from The Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, she is a drama teacher, director and choreographer, a Master teacher in Suzuki Method of Actors Training and prof Susana Bloch’s Alba Emoting Method (Certified Level 5).
Anne-Lise Gabold studied theatre at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and the Royal Theatre’s Dramaschool in Copenhagen. She received the prestigious Bodil Award (Danish Oscar) for her performance of Vera in the movie Midt I en jazztid (Jazz All Around), gave a highly acclaimed performance in Peter Brook’s film version of King Lear, and again won the Bodil Award for Best Supporting Actress in the French film Un Divorce Heureux (A Happy Divorce). For several years she worked in Sweden both on stage and in movies, the leading role in “Gangsterfilmen” by Lars Thelestam, in Suzanne Osten’s films “Mama” and “Welcome to Verona” and working with the theatre group Fickteatern (Pocket Theatre). She continued her career playing leading roles at the Danish TV Drama-Theatre e.g. in Strindberg’s “Miss Julie,” “The Bond”. Stage performing in Maria Stuart (Maria) and La Chunga (La Chunga), as well as many other plays.
Ms. Gabold studied briefly under Jerzy Grotowski and was educated in scientist S. Bloch’s Alba Emoting Method by Susana Bloch herself, including deep personal introduction to “the emotional melody” preparing for leading roles, in Paris and at Universitée Pierre et Marie Curie. Her first encounter with Tadashi Suzuki was in 1985 when she witnessed a show that caused her to rethink the meaning and reality of the theatre experience itself. She received training in the Suzuki Method of Actor Training, at the Japan Performing Arts Centre. She was sitting in the board of the symposium in Japan from 2009 – 2012 and has since been teaching the Suzuki Method at a number of institutions, including the Danish National schools of Performing Arts and the Lab Loki theatre group in Iceland, as well as organizations in Berlin, Santiago de Chile, Athens, India and Russia.
Ms. Gabold continues her career as actress, acting coach, and director. Among her creations as director, the most important for her has been The Bacchae, an experiment in using primarily the Suzuki Method of Actor Training, (but also a light introduction of Alba Emoting) and with Danish actors, which was invited by Mr. Suzuki to guest-perform at the Toga International Arts Festival in 1998. For this she received the UCHIMURA Prize by ITI. She has been asked to co-direct by training the ensemble of director Suzanne Osten “Alcestis” for the Unga Klara/Stockholms Stadsteater, as well as actors of the Teater Momentum in Odense. For the Royal Theatre Playhouse, Denmark, she trained and coached a young new ensemble in the Suzuki Method for a production of The Good Person of Szechuan. She trained and choreographed the ensemble of” The Feast of The Lambs” for the Unga Klara/Stockholms Stadsteater, here also introducing Alba Emoting.
In 2016 she was invited to teach Alba at the Lithuania Music and Theatre Academy in Vilnius for its Master’s Degree. From 2015 – 2017 as a guest professor she continues teaching Suzuki and Alba at the National Performing Arts School in Copenhagen, likewise Alba in Vilnius October 2017. In September 2017 she was invited to participate in the first international conference of Alba in Kentucky, USA, and here she was appointed International Advisor for the board of AMA (Alba Method Association). In 2018 she travelled to Chile to meet with prof. Susana Bloch interviewing her, receiving the updated version of Alba Emoting Method by Susana Bloch herself and having the opportunity to teach students. This supported by a grant from the minister of culture.