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Last updated, and approved by a vote of current AMA members in good standing, in December, 2023


Alba Method Association Certifications (1) 



Simply put, the Alba Method / Alba Emoting allows one to be more aware of emotions in oneself and others, and even to enter at will into specific emotions. At the core of this work are the 6 basic emotional effector patterns, each of which has its own distinct respiratory, facial and postural characteristics. (These effector patterns of the 6 basic emotions of joy, sadness, anger, fear, tenderness, and erotic will simply be referred to as “the Patterns” for the remainder of this document.) The Step-Out, to return to a place of neutrality and calm, is a crucial part of the Alba Method / Alba Emoting as well. This work has been effectively applied in theatre, psychology, education, dance, coaching, conflict resolution work and more. We have seen the Alba Method /Alba Emoting support the processes of developing healthier and clearer communications, more effective performances, and increased emotional intelligence.

The Alba Method Association (AMA) is the first international membership organization created to focus on certifying quality, ethical, safe Teachers in the Alba Method / Alba Emoting. These quality, ethical, safe practices are in accordance with the wishes of the method’s creator, psychologist and scientist Professor Susana Bloch.

This method was created by renowned Chilean research psychologist Susana Bloch, based on scientific research and experiments conducted with neuroscientist Guy Santibáñez and theatre director Pedro Orthous beginning in the early 1970’s at the University of Chile. (More info can be found on the History page of the AMA website). 


Below are the certification levels explained in detail.  It begins with Practitioner, which for many will be the only certification level they want. For those wishing to build on their Practitioner level and become a certified AMA Teacher (2), there are the certification levels of Teaching Apprentice, Associate Teacher and Teacher.  For those wishing not just to teach the patterns and certify Practitioners, but also to teach others to teach the patterns – to train and certify future AMA Teachers – there are the levels of Teacher Trainer and Master Teacher. Certification at any level assumes that person has also met the previous levels’ requirements. (Certifications must be sent to the current Secretary of the Alba Method Association, to be included in the records of current certified Alba Method Practitioners and Teachers.)

Practitioner(3) – has learned the Patterns

Practitioner(3) – has learned the Patterns​

A Practitioner may use the Patterns as an individual, in their personal life and/or work, but is not authorized to teach any of the Patterns.



1.   Demonstrates mastery of the Step-Out and Neutral State.

2.   Can execute, recognize, and describe the Patterns.

3.   Can self-assess and self-correct the Patterns, in their unmixed pure states.

4.   Reports a subjective experience of the emotion as a result of executing each


5.  Can recognize mixed emotions in self and others.

6.  Consistently manifests these abilities over time. 

7.  Agrees to adhere to the AMA Code of Ethics.

Practitioner status is granted by an Associate Teacher, Teacher, Teacher Trainer or Master Teacher who is a current member of AMA.

Teaching Apprentice – is training to teach the patterns

A Teaching Apprentice is authorized to assist certified Associate Teachers, Teachers, Teacher Trainers and/or Master Teachers in the teaching of the Alba Method. The Teaching Apprentice works with a mentor who is a current member of AMA with whom they have worked, though they may also serve as an assistant in trainings led by certified teachers other than their mentor. 



  1. Was previously certified as an AMA Practitioner.

  2. Desires to begin the process of teacher training in the Alba Method.

  3. Is identified by an Alba Method Teacher at the Associate level or above as ready to begin such training. 

  4. Abides by the AMA Code of Ethics.

Teaching Apprentice status is granted by an Associate Teacher, Teacher, Teacher Trainer, or Master Teacher who is a current member of AMA and who has taught this candidate.

Associate Teacher – teaches the patterns to people they know

An Associate Teacher is authorized to teach the Alba Method to individuals with whom they have a pre-existing relationship(4). The Associate Teacher conducts trainings under the supervision of a Teacher Trainer or Master Teacher mentor who is a current member of AMA, and with whom the Associate Teacher has worked. 

When the mentor decides that the Associate Teacher has enough experience to continue teaching people they know without mentor supervision, they will notify the Associate Teacher. At that point, the Associate Teacher may begin to certify Practitioners and may also guide the development of and certify Teaching Apprentices.


  1. Was previously certified as an AMA Teaching Apprentice. 

  2. Has trained with at least two different AMA Associate Teachers, Teachers, Teacher Trainers or Master Teachers.

  3. Has served as a Teaching Apprentice under at least one Teacher, Teacher Trainer or Master Teacher.

  4. Demonstrates the ability to lead a group of beginners through a full Alba Method introductory workshop.

  5. Has established a supportive and caring teaching style, with the ability to effectively manage a room of beginners and coach them through learning challenges.

  6. Has a clear knowledge of the original research articles and publications articulating the details and origins of the emotional effector patterns, and their relationship to the development of Alba Emoting. (There is a basic minimum required reading Bibliography available on the AMA website.)

  7. Demonstrates the ability to manage post-exercise discussions and assist learners in processing their discoveries.

  8. Abides by the AMA Code of Ethics.

Associate Teacher status is granted by a Teacher Trainer or Master Teacher who is a current member of AMA, and has evaluated the candidate’s teaching in person. 


Teacher – teaches the patterns to people they do & don’t know

The Teacher is authorized to  train and certify Alba Method Practitioners and Teaching Apprentice. They may also participate in training Associate Teachers.


  1. Was previously certified as an AMA Associate Teacher.  

  2. Must have participated in workshops/trainings led by at least two different Associate Teachers, Teachers, Teacher Trainers and/or Master Teachers. 

  3. Demonstrates the ability to lead a group of learners from diverse backgrounds through a full Alba Method introductory workshop.

  4. Demonstrates a relaxed command of the Alba Method training situation and handles challenges smoothly, effectively, and with confidence. 

  5. Abides by the AMA Code of Ethics.

Teacher status is granted by a Teacher Trainer or Master Teacher who is a current member of AMA, and has evaluated the candidate’s teaching in person. 

Teacher Trainer – trains future AMA teachers 

The Teacher Trainer is authorized to teach the Alba Method to diverse participants with whom the teacher has no previous relationship. The Teacher Trainer may certify Alba Method Practitioners, Teaching Apprentices, Associate Teachers and Teachers. 


  1. Was previously certified as an AMA Teacher.   

  2. Must have participated in workshops/trainings led by at least two different Teachers, Teacher Trainers, or Master Teachers, with at minimum one Master Teacher. 

  3. Must have assistant taught and/or co-taught with at least 2 other Teachers at Associate Teacher level or higher, to develop their skills and have them evaluated. 

  4. Must have a record of successfully mentoring Teaching Apprentices and Associate Teachers. 

  5. Abides by and upholds the AMA Code of Ethics.

Teacher Trainer status is granted by at least 2 Teacher Trainers and/or Master Teachers who are current members of AMA. These two Teachers Trainers and/or Master Teachers must observe and evaluate the candidate’s teaching and submit their evaluations in written form to the BOD, which will review and store these evaluations. These evaluations should include explaining how the candidate has met each of the listed requirements.


Master Teacher – trains and certifies all previous levels

A Master Teacher is authorized to mentor and certify Alba Method Practitioners, Teaching Apprentices, Associate Teachers, Teachers and Teacher Trainers.



  1. Was previously certified as an AMA Teacher Trainer.  

  2. Has taught multiple workshops/courses.

  3. Has taught students of all levels, from beginners through Teacher.

  4. Has certified several Practitioners.  

  5. Has shown a commitment to training Teaching Apprentices, Associate Teachers, and Teachers.

  6. Has shown a commitment to maintaining the integrity of the Alba Method.

  7. Has collaborated with other Alba Method teachers, at least one of which is a Master Teacher, in the development and delivery of Alba Method trainings.

  8. Abides by and upholds the AMA Code of Ethics.  

Master Teacher status is granted by at least two Master Teachers who are current members of AMA. These two Master Teachers must observe and evaluate the candidate’s teaching, and submit their evaluations in written form to the BOD, which will review and store these evaluations. These evaluations should include explaining how the candidate has met each of the listed requirements.



1. Equivalencies:

For anyone certified in Alba Emoting under the previous Susana Bloch approved Alba Emoting Certification System before January 1, 2018, the following equivalencies will apply:

Level 3 - Associate Teacher or Teacher*

Level 4 - Teacher or Teacher Trainer*

Level 5 - Master Teacher

*If there is a question as to the correct equivalency, potential members should request guidance from the Alba Emoting teacher who trained them, as to which AMA level currently applies to them, and share that with the current AMA secretary. 

For those potential members who were certified to teach the effector patterns by a non-AMA certified instructor, they can be reviewed by one or more Master Teachers, so that their previous experience is properly recognized.

​2. “Teaching” includes more than leading workshops. Teaching refers to giving anyone instructions in doing any of the six emotional effector patterns. For example, a therapist who guides a client in doing only one emotional effector pattern is teaching. The same is true for a theatre director using the method to help an actor with a role, or even for someone trying to teach a Pattern to a friend. Any such teaching requires sufficient training and is only authorized through AMA certification.

3. This document has one Practitioner level, but individual AMA certified instructors may choose to create different Practitioner levels, such as beginning Practitioner, intermediate Practitioner and advanced Practitioner, with requirements specific to the field in which that Practitioner is being trained to apply the Alba Method / Alba Emoting. 


4. “Pre-existing relationship” refers to a relationship with an individual with whom the person has already developed communication and awareness of personal qualities and habits, such as an acting teacher to students in previous courses or a therapist to an established client. Associate Teachers who do not have a familiar population of potential trainees may develop their skills by co-teaching under the direct supervision of a Teacher, Teacher Trainer or Master Teacher.

GENERAL NOTE: If anyone is having difficulty meeting a specific requirement of a certification level due to circumstances such as logistical and/or geographic challenges, they are encouraged to contact the AMA Board of Directors to request assistance in finding a way to meet that requirement.

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