Patricia Angelin (CL5, MA, AEA, SAG/AFTRA, Irish Equity), has performed as an actress from New York to Los Angeles, and London to Vienna. She is the first person in North America to be certified to CL5 in Alba Emoting International as both a Professional Actor and Master Teacher. The founder of Alba Technique in New York City, and Alba Method Association, having called the first meeting in New York at which the Association was formed (2013). Beginning in 1994, Patricia studied directly with Susana Bloch, following her from Chicago to San Diego, Paris to Chile, and hosting her in New York privately and with Catherine Fitzmaurice of Fitzmaurice Voice Work. For two decades, Angelin has been incorporating Alba Emoting into both her own acting, and to coach other professional actors, dancers and singers. In addition to her theatrical work, Patricia Angelin has been invited to to work with Speech Therapy in Oxford, UK, to address physicians and nurses at the Charterhouse of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN and twice to workshop at The Voice Foundation in Philadelphia, PA. Two of her essays on Alba Emoting appear in the English language revision of Susana Bloch's book, (which she co-edited with Elizabeth Townsend, 2015) entitled, "Alba Emoting: A scientific method for emotional induction" available for e-readers and in print (2016).